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Pellets for Poupette

Poupette has arthritis!
photo association
Pellets for Poupette
Poupette has arthritis!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Poupette has arthritis!

1. She's plagued with health issues!

Poupette is a 38-year-old Shetland pony. She arrived at our refuge roughly a month ago. She was previously owned by a lady who suddenly lost her land for her horses, so we took Poupette in and she will stay with us until the end.

Poupette is no spring chicken and suffers from a range of health issues: she's riddled with arthritis, making it very difficult for her to move. She has also dealt with multiple past incidences of laminitis, and as if that weren't enough, she hardly has any teeth left...

2. Moistened pellets would help her regain strength

As Poupette struggles to chew her food, what she really needs is a soup made of moistened pellets, mixed with a bit of silage. This blend would be perfect for her: she could eat easily, without the risk of developing an esophageal obstruction, while taking in all the nutrients she needs. This could greatly ease her through the winter.

3. Veterinary costs are suffocating us...

Our association primarily takes in farm animals who are nearing their end or suffering from severe health conditions. The animals stay with us until their last day. They require constant, and often very expensive, care...

Altogether, there are more than 150 animals who depend on us every day. Yet the donations are increasingly scarce... Over the recent weeks, a major surgery for a horse and a rescue operation involving hens and rabbits have left us completely overwhelmed. We really need a helping hand to pull through!

Association SOS Animaux, un Toit pour la Vie
Convenant Lan
22310 Plufur
FR France

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