Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 14/01/2025, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Hope

Hope, being both cardiac and carrying FIV, has a very delicate state of health...
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Canned food for Hope
Hope, being both cardiac and carrying FIV, has a very delicate state of health...

256 cans

256 cans

Hope, being both cardiac and carrying FIV, has a very delicate state of health...

1. He is FIV positive!

Hope is a cat over 10 years old, who lived in a bin before ending up in the pound. We rescued him from there, and took him to the vet where he tested positive for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), a disease that weakens his immune system.

2. He has heart issues...

Hope is a cardiac patient: he tends to get tired and short of breath with the slightest effort. We also have to keep him stress-free, and provide him with daily medication to support his heart.

3. Canned food would help him regain his strength

Some appetising and easily digestible food like canned food would be perfect for Hope. Rich in vitamins, minerals and protein, such a diet would allow him to replenish his energy levels every day!

4. Specialised food is too expensive!

We manage around one hundred cats at the association, distributed among about forty foster families. Feral cats also need us, which represents even more mouths to feed...

Many are sick or disabled, and require specialised food that we cannot afford to buy!

Association L'Arche de Véra
8 chemin Gaude Maria
77760 Larchant
FR France

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