Saxo has been injured and developed an abscess...
16.79 kg
Pellets offered
200 kg
Pellets necessary
3 days
left to succeed
Topaz is 17 years old, a retired show horse. His owners disposed of him because he was becoming too old…
Topaz has numerous health issues. An old ligament tear has left lasting damage; he often limps while moving. But what weakens him most is recurrent gastric ulcers. When he has a flare-up, he weakens at an alarming rate… despite the treatment!
His overall condition is far from ideal. He is a large horse, standing at 1.80m...he is clearly underweight for a horse of his size!
Topaz lives outdoors and needs to eat a lot to compensate for his crises and weight deficit. Pellets, supplemented with silage and beet pulp, would help him to regain weight and find a bit more energy.
Our association primarily takes in farm animals who are nearing their end or suffering from severe health conditions. The animals stay with us until their last day. They require constant, and often very expensive, care...
Altogether, there are more than 150 animals who depend on us every day. Yet the donations are increasingly scarce... Over the recent weeks, a major surgery for a horse and a rescue operation involving hens and rabbits have left us completely overwhelmed. We really need a helping hand to pull through!
• Utilisables en complémentation saisonnière ou toute l'année
• Riches en son d'avoine, son de blé et vitamines
• Permettent à des chevaux dénutris de reprendre rapidement du poids
• Idéal pour stabiliser la masse des équidés âgés qui fixent mal les nutriments
• A humidifier, et/ou à transformer en soupe consommable pour les animaux âgés ou présentant des problèmes dentaires
• Très appétents, les équidés en raffolent, même les plus exigeants
Ingrédients : Son de blé, pulpe de betterave, maïs, luzerne déshydratée, orge, avoine, blé, coques de féverole, mélasse, carbonate de calcium, chlorure de sodium
Constituants analytiques (en %) : humidité 14%, protéine brute 11,5%, mat. grasse brute 2,5%, cellulose brute 12%, cendres brutes 6,1%, calcium 1%, phosphore total 0,4%, sodium 0,23%
Additifs par kg :
Vitamine A 2500,00 UI/kg
Vitamine D3 500,00 UI/kg
Vitamine E (Acétate d'alphatocophéryle) 200,00 mg/kg
Vitamine B1 10,00 mg/kg
Vitamine B2 5,00 mg/kg
3b603 Zinc (Oxyde de zinc) 150,00 mg/kg
E4 Cuivre (Sulfate cuivrique pentahydraté) 40,00 mg/kg
3b502 Manganèse (Oxyde de manganèse (II)) 10,00 mg/kg
E1 Fer (Sulfate de fer monohydraté) 5,00 mg/kg
3b201 Iode (Iodure de potassium) 0,60 mg/kg
E8 Sélénium (Sélénite de sodium) 0,25 mg/kg
E516 Sulfate de calcium dihydraté 940,00 mg/kg
Ce produit est réservé aux animaux suivants : chevaux, ânes, poneys, cochons.
This product can be delivered in the following countries:France