Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 25/01/2025, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Canned food for Baby

Itching, hair loss, patches: poor Baby has eczema!
photo association
Canned food for Baby
Itching, hair loss, patches: poor Baby has eczema!

256 cans

256 cans

Itching, hair loss, patches: poor Baby has eczema!

1. He's got skin issues!

Baby is a roughly two-year-old cat that we found on the street. He sufferers from a lot of eczema, spending his time scratching away. Hair is falling out in patches! We're therefore treating him and applying ointment to provide relief.

2. Canned food would help him regain strength

Canned food would allow Baby to get a full supply of essential nutrients. With a healthy and balanced diet, his eczema might calm down a bit. Meanwhile, wet food would make it easier for him to swallow his tablets.

3. The donations haven't picked up again...

We're currently finding it difficult to buy food for the dogs and cats of the association, due to rising prices.

We have to take care of dozens of animals, but donations are not picking up at a rate that would allow us to have sufficient resources...

Association Les Chatoyants
La redonde - 1 rue de dore
63500 Brenat
FR France

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