Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 31/01/2025, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Vulcain

Elderly and visually impaired, Vulcan lives outdoors...
photo association
Canned food for Vulcain
Elderly and visually impaired, Vulcan lives outdoors...

256 cans

256 cans

Elderly and visually impaired, Vulcan lives outdoors...

1. He is becoming increasingly vulnerable...

Vulcan is a stray cat of about 12 years who has been living outside for a long time. Unfortunately, he is becoming blind and is gradually weakening. He is extremely wary and faces difficulty earning his place among the younger street cats.

2. Canned food would help him gain strength

Canned food suitable for his age could provide Vulcan with a rich and balanced diet. This way, he won't have to search for food anymore and would be less likely to get lost or put himself at risk. It would truly be a relief for him!

3. We are going through a very difficult time...

We are facing an increasingly difficult situation, with a growing number of cats to manage and a drop in donations. New feeding sites have been identified, which intensifies our workload!

Many sick cats have led us to incur significant veterinary expenses, and we currently have around forty cats to feed at the sites...

Association Association Lezard
3 rue jacques andrieux
5 rue de la tour d'auvergne
29270 carhaix
FR France

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