Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 31/01/2025, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Gasper

Having suffered a stroke, Gasper has been left with several after-effects that significantly hinder him...
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Canned food for Gasper
Having suffered a stroke, Gasper has been left with several after-effects that significantly hinder him...

256 cans

256 cans

Having suffered a stroke, Gasper has been left with several after-effects that significantly hinder him...

1. He struggles to eat and move...

Gasper is a cat of about six years old, who suffered a stroke two years ago. He pulled through, but he's been left with some permanent damage: his head is tilted, he has mobility issues, and he also finds it very difficult to chew.

2. With canned food, he could regain his strength more easily

Canned wet food would be more suitable for Gasper than kibble. It would allow him to recharge his energy levels and gain the strength to face everyday life with his various handicaps.

3. Many kittens and adult tomcats in distress need us!

Currently, we are looking after around fifty tomcats, thirty of which are adults. Donations are still insufficient to cover the increasing needs of the association... Our food supplies have run out, while new kittens continue to arrive!

Association Les Amis de Myrtille
4 Rue des Maquisards
45260 Vieilles-Maisons-sur-Joudry
FR France
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