Filou has ulcers on his tongue and is having a lot of trouble eating...
25,103 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
10 days
left to succeed
Peggy is a three-month-old kitten, who we found suffering from cat flu. We managed to treat her, but she has unfortunately suffered significant growth delay. She was also born without a tail, due to inbreeding issues. She is so small that she seems to only be one month old...
A set of blankets could provide Peggy with a comfortable place to rest. They would help limit her exposure to the cold and maintain a more stable body temperature.
We have had to carry out a large number of sterilisations, which has heavily impacted our treasury. We are currently taking care of around 30 cats at home and an extra twenty on feeding sites. Resources are running out... without help, we will not be able to continue our activities!
This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland