Gingivitis, vomiting, loss of appetite: Vomito is having a lot of trouble eating...
2.62 cans
288 cans
5 days
left to succeed
Lasouris is a young cat of about seven months, whom we found with her brothers and sisters. We had her neutered, but since then she has been eating very little...
Food specially designed for kittens would be ideal for Lasouris. While stimulating her appetite, such a diet would provide her with all the nutrients she needs to complete her growth in full health.
The association has no income, which makes everything more financially challenging. With the kittens we have taken care of, there have been a lot of veterinary costs (vaccines, treatments, neutering, etc.). Without funds, we don't have enough resources to ensure they can eat their fill!
Nourriture humide pour chaton particulièrement délicieuse et facile à mâcher. Sans soja, sucre, ni céréales.
Poids net : 100 g
Composition : viande et sous-produits d'origine animale 63 % (20 % de volaille, porc, bœuf), minéraux.
Protéine | 10 % |
Teneur en matières grasses | 7 % |
Humidité | 80% |
Cendres brutes | 2 % |
Cellulose brute | 0,3 % |
This product can be delivered in the following countries:France