Since Lizy has almost no teeth left, she can't eat dry cat food...
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Selfie is a cat of about five years old, who was abandoned by his owners after the summer holidays. Since then, poor Selfie has been injured in the shoulder by a dog. We are doing our best to care for him.
A set of blankets would help Selfie retain his body heat this winter. He could snuggle into them, allowing him to rest more peacefully and recover more effectively. It would be a huge relief for him!
We are facing an increasingly challenging situation, with a growing number of cats to look after and a decrease in donations. New feeding sites have been identified, which is adding to our workload!
Many sick cats have led us to incur significant veterinary expenses, and we currently have about forty cats to feed across the sites...