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Canned food for Gavroche

Eczema, weight loss, damaged fur: Gavroche has skin problems and a calicivirus!
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Canned food for Gavroche
Eczema, weight loss, damaged fur: Gavroche has skin problems and a calicivirus!

256 cans

256 cans

Eczema, weight loss, damaged fur: Gavroche has skin problems and a calicivirus!

1. He has eczema…

Gavroche is a cat of about four years old, who has skin problems. Because of the eczema, he has irritations and his fur is damaged…

2. He has a calicivirus!

To make matters worse, Gavroche has ulcers in his mouth, due to a calicivirus. He also lacks some teeth, which hampers his feeding.

All of this means that he's having a hard time cleaning himself with licks and that he has lost weight… We are therefore giving him cortisone injections, aiming at relieving him.

3. To regain strength, he's going to need canned food

Wet food would allow Gavroche to eat again without pain. He could thus gain weight and strengthen himself, so he can improve his overall health.

We've got many colony cats relying on us!

Last year, we took care of 47 new stray cats. We currently have about a hundred colony cats to feed, but we're running out of canned food!

Association Les Chats libres de Fleurance
Mairie, place de la République
32500 Fleurance
FR France
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