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Blankets for Kapie

Disabled, poor Kapie struggles to move around...
photo association
Blankets for Kapie
Disabled, poor Kapie struggles to move around...

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Disabled, poor Kapie struggles to move around...

1. She has a handicap!

Kapie is a free-ranging female cat of about three years old, who was hit by a car. She was injured in her hind legs, and struggles to move around.

As she is feral and since we no longer have spaces in our foster homes, we've secured her in a safe site. However, the place is cold and damp, and in the winter season, we fear she might not pull through.

2. Blankets would keep her warm

A batch of blankets would help Kapie preserve her body heat. She could curl up in them to have a more comfortable and restorative rest. It would indeed be a tremendous relief for her!

3. We're going through a really tough period...

We are facing a progressively difficult situation, with an increasing number of cats to look after and dwindling donations. We've identified new feeding sites which in turn has increased our workload!

Several sick felines have led us to incur considerable veterinary costs, and currently, we have about forty cats to feed on the sites...

Association Association Lezard
3 rue jacques andrieux
5 rue de la tour d'auvergne
29270 carhaix
FR France

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