Stricken with fever and cat flu, Power was completely dehydrated!
91,564 cm3
Kennel offered
91,564 cm3
Kennel necessary
Domino is a three-year-old cat, who was born and has always lived outside. He lives at a feeding site, but sadly, he has nowhere to shield himself when it rains. The area is highly damp, and the cold permeates everywhere...
Domino often has red patches on his back and substantial hair loss. We believe this could be related to flea bites (if it were a ringworm infection, all the other cats at the site would have the same issue).
We would like to take him to the vet for further investigation, but he is very fearful and does not allow himself to be caught!
With a cosy den, Domino could take refuge from the rain during bad weather. He would also be better protected from the cold, and could finally rest peacefully!
Our association is currently feeding about 45 cats. Many of them are old or sick and live outside. Unfortunately, we do not have enough resources to buy them cosy den, and the ones we have tried to build have got wet...