Dehydration, fleas, lice: Penelope was found in a sorry state...
288 cans
288 cans
Willow is a 4-month-old female. Poor little Willow was discarded onto the street because residents of the location where she was found are not allowed to keep pets... We found her in a makeshift shelter, infested with worms! She has been with a foster family for several days.
Little Willow has cat flu which weakens her significantly. She's also very thin, missing 600 grams of weight. At 4 months old, she looks like a two-month-old...
Willow is so thin, she’s literally skin and bones! She really needs to fill out. Appetising canned food designed for kittens would provide her with a boost of energy and calories!
We often organize collections in stores but honestly, it requires a lot of time and energy, with results that unfortunately do not always follow through! Over the past two years, we’ve noticed a significant decline... It is becoming really challenging to meet the needs of our wards.
The number of stray cats we care for is also constantly increasing; our food needs are skyrocketing. We really need assistance to stay afloat and continue helping them!