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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 21/02/2025, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Pégase

Tartar, gum inflammation: Pegasus had to have all his teeth removed!
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Canned food for Pégase
Tartar, gum inflammation: Pegasus had to have all his teeth removed!

256 cans

256 cans

Tartar, gum inflammation: Pegasus had to have all his teeth removed!

1. He has a weak immune system...

Pegasus is a cat of about five years old, whom we took in because his owner was moving into a residential care home. Suffering from FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Syndrome), he is more fragile: his health could deteriorate at any moment...

2. He doesn't have a single tooth left!

Pegasus used to have severely tartar-stained teeth, and was suffering from an extreme case of gingivitis. To alleviate his pain, the vet had to completely extract all his teeth. Consequently, he can no longer chew his food.

3. Canned food would help him regain his strength

In order to keep fit, Pegasus will need a nutritious and balanced diet. With canned food, he could continue to sustain his energy levels daily, despite his lack of teeth.

4. We've exhausted our food supplies!

At the moment, we have 120 cats to feed, including 80 feral cats scattered across multiple feeding sites. The cost of feeding all these mouths is tremendous, while donations have not yet picked up again. Having exhausted our supplies, we are at a loss for how to proceed...

Association Le Gang des Matous
1 chemin de Nourric
32000 Auch
FR France

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