Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 25/02/2025, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Blankets for Zéphyr

Becoming blind, old Zephyr is overrun with parasites!
photo association
Blankets for Zéphyr
Becoming blind, old Zephyr is overrun with parasites!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Becoming blind, old Zephyr is overrun with parasites!

1. He's in a sorry state!

Zephyr is a cat of about fifteen years, living outdoors. He is becoming blind, a significant handicap! He is also heavily infested with parasites; riddled with worms and infested with fleas, he needs treatment...

2. Blankets would keep him warm

A batch of blankets would help Zephyr more efficiently conserve his body heat at night when the temperatures drop. It would be a good way for him to protect himself from the cold and moisture, whilst we try to find him a foster home.

3. An additional twenty cats have disrupted the already fragile balance of the association...

Recently, we had to take responsibility for twenty new cats at a feeding site. Caring for them and getting them sterilised has been very costly!

On top of this, our stocks of food and blankets are running low and we do not have the resources to replenish them...


Association Félin Pour L’Hôte
22 rue d’arromanches
34500 Beziers
FR France

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