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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 25/02/2025, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Blankets for Tache

Abscess, missing teeth, extreme thinness: Spot has a calicivirus!
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Blankets for Tache
Abscess, missing teeth, extreme thinness: Spot has a calicivirus!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Abscess, missing teeth, extreme thinness: Spot has a calicivirus!

1. A calicivirus is causing her considerable difficulty in eating...

Tache is a 10-year-old cat, who has been suffering from a severe calicivirus since the beginning of the year. She frequently has abscesses around her jaw, and has lost all her teeth. All this is taking a heavy toll on her health. She's been struggling to eat, and has lost a lot of weight...

2. Blankets would keep her warm this winter

A set of blankets could provide Tache with the essential thermal comfort for her recovery. By reducing her exposure to the cold, she could better focus her energy on healing, thus improving her chances of overcoming the disease.

3. Our situation is extremely critical!

With more than eighty resident cats and a score of kittens under care and socialisation, we are overwhelmed. We get requests for assistance every day, and the number of adoptions is too low.

Our financial situation is extremely strained. We can no longer cope with the expenses for the care and daily needs of our sheltered animals, we need help!

Association Larmes de Chats
7 route de Bardon
FR France

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