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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 20/02/2025, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Princesse

Poor little Princess lives outside...
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Canned food for Princesse
Poor little Princess lives outside...

288 cans

288 cans

Poor little Princess lives outside...

1. Nobody wants to adopt her!

Princesse is a six-month-old kitten, who was found along with her mother. She is currently living outdoors, as we are unable to find a family willing to adopt her.

2. With canned food, she could continue her growth peacefully

Food specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of kittens would be perfect for Princesse.

With such canned food, she could get her daily dose of vitamins, grow healthily, which would increase her chances of being adopted.

3. There are so many cats in need...

In recent months, we have taken in many kittens. Currently, we are faced with about forty mouths to feed, spread across various feeding sites. Your help would be greatly appreciated so they can all eat enough!

Association Association Chats Cerbériens (ACC)
3 chemin des vignes
66290 Cerbère
FR France
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