Stricken with fever and cat flu, Power was completely dehydrated!
200 kg
Pellets offered
200 kg
Pellets necessary
Perle, a 22-year-old mare, is struggling to eat because of her damaged teeth. Since she can no longer chew, she's at a higher risk of Esophageal obstruction and choking...
Considering her mother had Cushing's disease, Perle is at an elevated risk of developing it too. Recently, her coat has become more shaggy. We're therefore monitoring her closely.
Ground into a soft gruel, pellets would be ideal for helping Perle regain her strength safely. This would provide her with a daily boost of energy, to stay healthy despite the winter and her vulnerabilities.
Most of our horses are old, elderly and tired. We care for them to the best of our ability, but our three pensions are not enough to purchase the supplements they need. With winter upon us, we need your help more than ever!