Swollen mouth, excessive drooling, difficulty eating: Pipirou has a severe case of calicivirus!
91,564 cm3
Kennel offered
91,564 cm3
Kennel necessary
Moustache is a three-year-old cat whose breathing is quite affected by heavily congested bronchial tubes. He also sneezes a lot and has difficulty breathing (not related to cat flu).
Moustache is very wild and won't let us take him to a safe place. Therefore, he lives outdoors, exposed to the elements. The heavy rainfall over the last few weeks has only served to further undermine his health...
A cat house would give Moustache a place to go to shield himself from the wind and the rain. It would provide better protection from the cold, and would allow him to rest more effectively.
Currently, the ground is saturated with water, which has forced us to move the cats to a dryer area. More than 90 tomcats depend on us. Unfortunately, the few canned food collections we have been able to organise are not enough to provide all of them with food and shelter!