Suffering from recurrent gum disease, Milky has lost a lot of teeth!
91,564 cm3
Kennel offered
91,564 cm3
Kennel necessary
Saya is a nearly three-year-old cat who is extremely elusive. Unfortunately, she's caught cat flu and spends her time sneezing. Because her nose is blocked, she has little appetite and is weakening...
Saya lives outdoors, she’s too feral to tolerate indoor life. Being exposed to cold conditions makes her more vulnerable… We're very concerned for her!
A shelter would provide Saya with a place to take refuge from heavy rain or strong winds. It could offer her a more recuperative rest. It would indeed be a great respite for her!
At the start of the year, the association's accounts are already in deficit. We're dealing with several cases of distemper, which is a bad sign… As for the cats, they're so numerous that we've stopped counting!