Constant watering of the eyes, runny nose, fatigue: poor Blanco has a serious case of cat flu!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Willow is a 4-month-old female. This poor little one was thrown out onto the streets because the residents of the place where she was found were not allowed to have pets... We found her in a makeshift shelter, she was full of worms! She has been in a foster home for a few days now.
Little Willow has cat flu which severely weakens her. She is also very thin, lacking 600 grams. At 4 months old, she looks like she's only two…
Willow is all skin and bones! Even though she is now safe, blankets would bring her comfort, and above all warmth this winter. They would help her rest and regain her strength!
We often organise collections in stores but frankly, it requires a lot of time and energy for results which, unfortunately, do not always follow! For about two years, we have noticed a sharp drop... It's becoming really challenging to meеt our animals' needs.
The number of stray cats we care for continues to grow, our food requirements are skyrocketing. We really need help to keep going and continuing to support them!