Deficient, Spirit needs to get back in shape!
2.54 cans
180 cans
5 days
left to succeed
Flora is a feral cat of around 10 years old, living out in the open. Having had several tumours, the vet needed to perform an operation on her entire mammary chain. A long recovery period followed...
A diet rich in vitamins, proteins, and minerals would be perfect for helping Flora regain her strength healthily. Now that she is back at her site, such a diet would assist her in weathering the cold better.
With a cat house, Flora could seek adequate shelter in case of severe cold and bad weather. This way, she won’t have to sleep on the ground in all types of weather, and could rest more effectively.
We take care of about twenty cats, most of whom are aged or have health conditions. The veterinary expenses are thus high and frequent, but sadly, donations are not... We are thus struggling to cope!
60% chicken, 10% salmon, calcium carbonate, sodium chloride.
Analytical components:
Protein 11%, fat content 6%, crude fiber 0.5%, raw ash 2.4%, humidity 79%, taurine 0.8g/kg
This product can be delivered in the following countries:France