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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 04/03/2025, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Mickey

Gingivitis, cat flu: Mickey needs to stay warm and receive suitable food!
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Canned food for Mickey
Gingivitis, cat flu: Mickey needs to stay warm and receive suitable food!

256 cans

256 cans

Gingivitis, cat flu: Mickey needs to stay warm and receive suitable food!

1. He’s having a hard time eating…!

Mickey is a 12-year-old cat who is struggling to eat. He suffers from recurring gum diseases and has lost teeth. In fact, the vet is planning to remove more teeth to ease his suffering. Chewing on dry food has become nearly an impossible task for him...

2. He has cat flu…

Mickey also has chronic cat flu: his nose is blocked, he feels tired and has a cough. All of this is exhausting for him!

3. Canned food will help him regain his strength

Wet and appetising food would be perfect for Mickey. Such canned food, while stimulating his appetite, would be easier for him to consume than dry food. He could thus regain his strength, and fight off various viruses more effectively.

4. We’re struggling to keep our heads above water…!

With the ongoing crisis, stores are providing fewer slots for charity shopping events. As we’re not prioritised and with so many other charities out there, times are tough and we’re struggling to collect donations. Managing 230 animals in such conditions is becoming increasingly tense!

Association Chat L'Heureux Chat l'Ange et Cie
6 chemin therese caillet
26740 les tourrettes
FR France
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