As she's aged, Nouba has begun to decline in health...
45,564 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
7 days
left to succeed
Lasouris is a young female cat, around seven months old, whom we found along with her siblings. We had her spayed, but since then she has hardly been eating...
With blankets, Lasouris would be able to stay tucked up warm and rest. Being protected from the cold and damp in this way would allow her to recover more effectively and be stronger.
The charity has no income, making everything more financially challenging. With the kittens that we have been looking after, there have been a lot of veterinary costs (vaccinations, medical treatments, spaying, etc.). With no funds, we don't have the means to give them the food they need!
This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland