With the cold, Backary has lost weight...
48,034 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
8 days
left to succeed
Shadow, a cat of about five years old, was bitten by a dog three months ago. Her ear was torn and the shock from the attack caused some of her teeth to fall out.
As a result, she has trouble eating. Traumatised by this incident, she has become very fearful and dares not go outside anymore...
After all she's been through, Shadow needs gentleness and comfort. Blankets would provide her with a soft and safe environment in which to settle. Her sleep would be all the more restorative.
We take care of about twenty cats, most of which are elderly or have health issues. Veterinary costs are therefore high and frequent, but sadly this is not the case with donations... we are thus struggling to cope!
This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland