Junior sneezes a lot and is struggling to recover...
16,155 cm3
Kennel offered
91,564 cm3
Kennel necessary
8 days
left to succeed
Gus is a young, one-year-old cat who is battling a debilitating cat flu every day. This viral disease gives him no respite: running eyes, incessant sneezing, blocked nose... Everything becomes more complicated for him, and it is incredibly tiring.
For now, Gus is resting well indoors, taking his time to recover. But when spring comes, we would like to give him access to the outdoors, in a secure enclosure, so he can enjoy the sun and fresh air safely.
The only issue is: our old shelters have not withstood the weather and are no longer fit for use. In order for this transition to go as smoothly as possible, he will need a new, sturdy and well-insulated shelter, capable of withstanding all types of weather!
Our association is going through a critical period: with around fifty cats under our care, many of whom are disabled or sick and requiring costly care, our resources are rapidly depleting. The lack of volunteers and foster families, coupled with a decrease in donations during our collections, is jeopardising our ability to care for our charges...
Niche pour chat :
• Livrée montée
• Matériaux : bois brut français
• Dimensions totales : 430 mm x Largeur 455 x Profondeur 468 mm
• Ouverture du portillon : lamelles transparentes
• Toit antidérapant ouvrable
• Niche surélevée pour une meilleure isolation
Ce produit est réservé aux animaux suivants : chats, chatons
This product can be delivered in the following countries:France