Animal Webaction
photo association

Blankets for Max

Max is plagued with health problems!
photo association
Blankets for Max
Max is plagued with health problems!

52,117 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

9 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

Max is plagued with health problems!

1. He was in a critical condition

Max is a cat of about 12 years old. We found him outside the shelter, eyes closed, drooling due to a severe infection related to cat flu. We feared he wouldn't make it...

2. He carries heavy after-effects

Max suffers from a very debilitating chronic cat flu: all his teeth had to be removed because he constantly had ulcers in his mouth...

He is also HIV positive, he catches all the infections around him.

3. Blankets could help him keep warm

Blankets could bring warmth and comfort to him this winter, and help him regain his strength despite his fragility.

3. We struggle to manage the costs for everyone

We look after nearly 200 cats, but our resources are limited: donations are irregular, aid is scarce, and 'trolley' operations are rare. Online fundraising struggles to cover basic needs. The president, with her modest pension, devotes everything to these animals, but it remains insufficient. Every day, it becomes more difficult to meet the vital needs of these cats who entirely depend on us...

Association Association "Les chats de chez nous"
N°35 cité des oliviers
FR France

Product offered to Max

Multicoloured fleece blanket 130 x 170

7.57576 € TTC / m2
  • Ce plaid de haute qualité robuste - qualité 180 g/m²
  •  100% polyester et lavable à 30°C
  • Couverture très douce au toucher
  • Taille: 130 x 170 cm (une couverture fait 22 100 cm2)

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

Multicoloured fleece blanket 130 x 170

  • Ce plaid de haute qualité robuste - qualité 180 g/m²
  •  100% polyester et lavable à 30°C
  • Couverture très douce au toucher
  • Taille: 130 x 170 cm (une couverture fait 22 100 cm2)

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

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