Nala is very thin and having difficulty breathing!
5.60 cans
192 cans
4 days
left to succeed
Caramel is an eight-year-old cat, who has been adopted and abandoned twice. He currently lives outdoors, suffering from diarrhoea and food intolerance. We want to get him off the streets, but we haven't found adopters for him yet…
Caramel has struvite urinary stones. He had to be hospitalised for this reason once before and needs medication. His medicine helps him pass the stones to prevent him from ending up in a critical state again.
A diet specifically designed to prevent recurring urinary stones would be perfect for Caramel. Full of substances that acidify the urine and urinary pH, such canned food would let him regain strength in a healthy way, whilst remaining well hydrated. Easy to digest, they might even alleviate his diarrhoea somewhat.
Recently, we had to pay for many pricey yet necessary veterinary exams, resulting in large bills.
As the association account is empty, we have to pay out of our own pocket…but our resources are not infinite and we cannot continue getting credits indefinitely…!
Aliment humide et diététique pour chat, teneurs adaptées en phosphore et magnésium, acidifiants urinaires, valeur du pH urinaire < 6,5, pour réduire les récidives de calculs de struvite, sans céréales.
Poids net : 100 g
Composition :
Viande et sous-produits d'origine animale (veau 24 %, poulet, porc, bœuf), légumes (pommes de terre), huiles et graisses (huile de colza), minéraux, sous-produits d'origine végétale, DL-méthionine, sulfate de calcium. Substances acidifiant l'urine : DL-méthionine, sulfate de calcium.
Humidité | 80% |
Protéine brute | 9.5% |
Matière grasse brute | 6.5% |
Cendres brutes | 1.4% |
Fibres brutes | 0.6% |
Calcium | 0.19% |
Taurine | 0.75% |
Soufre | 0.19% |
Phosphore | 0.17% |
Potassium | 0.25% |
Chlorure | 0.18% |
Sodium | 0.18% |
Magnésium | 0.013% |
This product can be delivered in the following countries:France