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Canned food for Pomponnette

Diarrhoea, weight loss, hyperthyroidism: Pomponnette urgently needs a suitable diet!
photo association
Canned food for Pomponnette
Diarrhoea, weight loss, hyperthyroidism: Pomponnette urgently needs a suitable diet!

1.55 cans

256 cans

4 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

Diarrhoea, weight loss, hyperthyroidism: Pomponnette urgently needs a suitable diet!

1. She has a thyroid problem...

Pomponnette is a 10-year-old cat who lives outdoors and suffers from hyperthyroidism. She has diarrhoea, has lost weight, and is struggling to regain it.

She also alternates between periods of extreme fatigue and hyperactivity, and we're unable to stabilise her condition. We're therefore continually monitoring her closely, performing blood tests regularly.

2. Canned food would help her regain strength

A high-quality diet appropriate for senior cats would be ideal for Pomponnette. With these canned foods, she could replenish her energy reserves daily, without any risk to her health. This would give her the chance to gradually regain weight and become healthier.

3. We can't keep covering all the costs ourselves...

Recently, we have had to carry out many costly but necessary medical examinations, creating large bills.

With the association's accounts drained, we have to cover all costs ourselves... But our means are not unlimited, and we can't keep taking out loans forever!

Association 4 Pattes 30
5 place du batonnier
FR France

Product offered to Pomponnette

Barquette Animonda pour chat - Vom Feinsten Senior à la volaille - 100 g

1.01000 € TTC / cans

Nourriture humide pour chat senior particulièrement délicieuse et facile à mâcher. Sans soja, colorants ni conservateurs artificiels.

Poids net : 100 g

Composition : viande et sous-produits d'origine animale 63 % (20 % de volaille, porc, bœuf), bouillon, minéraux.

Composants analytiques : 

Humidité 82 %
Protéine brute 10 %
Matière grasse brute 4 %
Cendres brutes 1,4 %
Fibres brutes 0,4 %

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

Barquette Animonda pour chat - Vom Feinsten Senior à la volaille - 100 g

Nourriture humide pour chat senior particulièrement délicieuse et facile à mâcher. Sans soja, colorants ni conservateurs artificiels.

Poids net : 100 g

Composition : viande et sous-produits d'origine animale 63 % (20 % de volaille, porc, bœuf), bouillon, minéraux.

Composants analytiques : 

Humidité 82 %
Protéine brute 10 %
Matière grasse brute 4 %
Cendres brutes 1,4 %
Fibres brutes 0,4 %

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

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