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Canned food for Kikinou

Difficulty eating, red and inflamed gums: Kikinou has gingivitis!
photo association
Canned food for Kikinou
Difficulty eating, red and inflamed gums: Kikinou has gingivitis!

4.47 cans

256 cans

4 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

Difficulty eating, red and inflamed gums: Kikinou has gingivitis!

1. His gums are becoming painful!

Kikinou is a cat of around four years old, who has gingivitis. His gums are getting redder and he has difficulty eating kibble.

2. To regain his strength, he will need canned food

Easier to ingest than kibble, canned food would be perfect for Kikinou. By helping him to daily fill up on good nutrients, such food would provide him with precious energy to stay fit.

3. The association is in the red...

As all the cats cared for by the association are sick, no one wants to adopt them... The council only helps us with sterilizations. Due to lack of subsidies, I have to pay everything alone. The situation is really critical currently!

Association Cha'alors
9 rue Saint Lazare
02460 La Ferté-Milon
FR France

Product offered to Kikinou

Barquette Animonda pour chat - Vom Feinsten au saumon et à la crevette - 100 g

1.01000 € TTC / cans

Nourriture humide pour chat adulte : des repas complets et équilibrés à base de viandes variées et soigneusement sélectionnées.

Poids net : 100 g

Composition : 42% de viande et sous-produits d'origine animale (volaille, porc), poisson et sous-produits de poisson (15% saumon), mollusques et crustacés (6% crevettes), minéraux.

Composants analytiques : 

Humidité 80,5 %
Protéine brute 11,5 %
Matière grasse brute 4,7 %
Cendres brutes 1,6 %
Fibres brutes 0,3 %

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

Barquette Animonda pour chat - Vom Feinsten au saumon et à la crevette - 100 g

Nourriture humide pour chat adulte : des repas complets et équilibrés à base de viandes variées et soigneusement sélectionnées.

Poids net : 100 g

Composition : 42% de viande et sous-produits d'origine animale (volaille, porc), poisson et sous-produits de poisson (15% saumon), mollusques et crustacés (6% crevettes), minéraux.

Composants analytiques : 

Humidité 80,5 %
Protéine brute 11,5 %
Matière grasse brute 4,7 %
Cendres brutes 1,6 %
Fibres brutes 0,3 %

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

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