Animal Webaction
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Pellets for Franklin

Poor Franklin was headed for the slaughterhouse!
photo association
Pellets for Franklin
Poor Franklin was headed for the slaughterhouse!

5.08 kg
Pellets offered

175 kg
Pellets necessary

5 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

Poor Franklin was headed for the slaughterhouse!

1. He was destined for slaughter...

Franklin is a two-year-old goat, originating from a farming environment. We took him into our care to spare him from being fattened and sent to the slaughterhouse. Separated from his mother at a very young age, he's remained delicate and is smaller than usual.

2. Pellets would help him gain strength

A dietary supplement in the form of pellets would tremendously benefit Franklin. Not only would it deliver a daily dose of essential vitamins, this type of food would also help him to stay healthy. Thus, he could get through the remainder of the winter with less strain.

3. Our supplies will soon be depleted...

We're about to reach the end of our supply of pellets for the goats and sheep. As we're low on funds, we won't be able to purchase enough... With almost 180 animals in our care, we're unfortunately obliged to limit new admissions!

Association Ulyan
La Durantié
81260 Le Bez
FR France

Product offered to Franklin

Goat pellets

1.52000 € TTC / kg

Conditionnées en sac de 25 kg

Ingrédients : Son de blé, tourteau feed d’extraction de colza, pulpe de betterave sucrière séchée, maïs, gluten feed de blé et drèches et solubles de distillerie de blé, drèches et solubles de distillerie de céréales, tourteau feed d’extraction de tournesol décortiqué, orge, blé, carbonate de calcium, mélasse de canne à sucre, tourteau feed de pression de colza
Constituants analytiques (en %) : Protéine brute 17.5%, Cellulose brute 10%, Matière grasse 3%
Valeurs nutritionnelles par kg : UFL 0.95 g, A+S 20 g, PDIN 125 g, PDIE 120 g, PDIA 65 g, Calcium 15 g, Phosphore 7.5 g, Vitamine A 8 000 UI, Vitamine D3 1 600 UI, Vitamine E 20 mg, Vitamine B1 15 mg.

This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland

Goat pellets

Conditionnées en sac de 25 kg

Ingrédients : Son de blé, tourteau feed d’extraction de colza, pulpe de betterave sucrière séchée, maïs, gluten feed de blé et drèches et solubles de distillerie de blé, drèches et solubles de distillerie de céréales, tourteau feed d’extraction de tournesol décortiqué, orge, blé, carbonate de calcium, mélasse de canne à sucre, tourteau feed de pression de colza
Constituants analytiques (en %) : Protéine brute 17.5%, Cellulose brute 10%, Matière grasse 3%
Valeurs nutritionnelles par kg : UFL 0.95 g, A+S 20 g, PDIN 125 g, PDIE 120 g, PDIA 65 g, Calcium 15 g, Phosphore 7.5 g, Vitamine A 8 000 UI, Vitamine D3 1 600 UI, Vitamine E 20 mg, Vitamine B1 15 mg.

This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland

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