Inflamed gums, loose teeth: poor Moustique lives outside even though he's sick!
48,839 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
9 days
left to succeed
Alexa is a three-year-old cat we found outside with her kittens. Providing and caring for them has absolutely worn her out!
When we rescued her last December, she was incredibly thin and severely malnourished... Since then, she has been struggling to recover.
With a batch of blankets, Alexa could settle comfortably for rest. Snuggled up warmly, she would enjoy a more recuperative sleep, which would help her get better.
We've rescued a lot of kittens, some injured or suffering from cat flu. But we've completely run out of canned food and we're lacking blankets... Since the association's crates are empty, we have no way to purchase any more!
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