Constant watering of the eyes, runny nose, fatigue: poor Blanco has a serious case of cat flu!
0 cm3
Kennel offered
91,564 cm3
Kennel necessary
8 days
left to succeed
Moustique is a two-year-old cat suffering from gingivitis. His teeth are loosening due to gum inflammation, which makes it hard for him to eat... All of this greatly exhausts him, especially as the shelter where he used to find refuge is falling apart and letting in the rain!
With a cat house, Moustique could be protected from the cold, wind, and rain. Being able to sleep sheltered from the bad weather would be a real relief for him! He could finally rest efficiently, which would help him regain better health and energy.
We have had many veterinary bills to pay recently. Unfortunately, the few donations we receive are not enough... With 34 cats to take care of, our budget is constantly on the edge!
Niche pour chat :
• Livrée montée
• Matériaux : bois brut français
• Dimensions totales : 430 mm x Largeur 455 x Profondeur 468 mm
• Ouverture du portillon : lamelles transparentes
• Toit antidérapant ouvrable
• Niche surélevée pour une meilleure isolation
Ce produit est réservé aux animaux suivants : chats, chatons
This product can be delivered in the following countries:France