Without a suitable diet, Shadow suffers from very debilitating digestive problems!
14,911 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
3 days
left to succeed
Big Nose sleeps under cars or in sheltered corners. He doesn't have a safe place to rest.
Big Nose is suffering from calicivirus; he was infected by other sick cats. His calicivirus drains his energy and living outdoors weakens him. He's constantly fighting against the cold and dampness!
His condition is weakening him, and he struggles to keep warm. Blankets would help preserve his body heat and ward off the dampness, which only worsens his situation.
We're facing a large outbreak of calicivirus. Numerous cats are ill and require care. The veterinary costs are high, and our resources are already spread too thin. We're afraid we may not be able to meet the needs of the animals we're assisting.
This product can be delivered in the following countries:France