Animal Webaction
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Canned food for Frimousse

Poor Frimousse has very sore ears...
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Canned food for Frimousse
Poor Frimousse has very sore ears...

288 cans

288 cans

Poor Frimousse has very sore ears...

1. He has earache...

Frimousse is a kitten about seven months old, who we recently took in and socialised. Lately, he seems to be suffering from earache. It could be mites, hence treatment is planned.

2. Canned food would enable him to continue growing calmly

Kitten-appropriate food would allow Frimousse to finish growing and become a healthy adult cat. Filled with daily vitamins, proteins and minerals, it would bring substantial energy to his system.

3. The weather is against us!

Currently, with the grounds saturated with water, we’ve had to move the cats to a dry place. There are more than 90 tomcats relying on us... Sadly, the limited collections we organise don't provide enough to buy food and shelters for all of them!

Association Chats Oubliés.
Lieu-dit Le Bas Sannière
61380 Soligny-la-Trappe
FR France
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