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photo association

A kennel for Zéphyr

Deaf and disabled, poor Zephyr has been abandoned and is now left to fend for himself…
photo association
A kennel for Zéphyr
Deaf and disabled, poor Zephyr has been abandoned and is now left to fend for himself…

21,541 cm3
Kennel offered

91,564 cm3
Kennel necessary

2 days
left to succeed

Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?
Caution, if the target isn't reached, everything will be cancelled, the association won't receive anything. Why?

Deaf and disabled, poor Zephyr has been abandoned and is now left to fend for himself…

1. He’s been abandoned and is living outdoors, despite being deaf!

Zephyr is a cat of more than 10 years, who lives outdoors. Unfortunately, he was abandoned after a house move and found himself on his own from one day to the next... Being deaf and starting to have problems with his sight is making it very hard for him to survive alone!

2. He has difficulty moving...

With age, Zephyr has developed arthritis. His joints are starting to harden, causing him to limp. This is yet another obstacle for him... As a result, we’re trying to find him a foster home to provide him with safety.

3. Shelter would offer him a roof to protect him from the weather

While we find him a home, Zephyr is in desperate need of a kennel to stay safe in. It would give him a place to sleep and eat, sheltered from the wind and rain. Given his vulnerabilities, it would be a massive relief for him!

4. Many moggies are depending on us!

There are always new cats that need our help. Many live outdoors as we lack foster homes... There are almost 50 of them and the food supply disappears at an alarming rate!

Association Félin Pour L’Hôte
22 rue d’arromanches
34500 Beziers
FR France

Product offered to Zephyr

Niche pour chat en bois

0.00279 € TTC / cm3

Niche pour chat :

• Livrée montée

• Matériaux : bois brut français

• Dimensions totales : 430 mm x Largeur 455 x Profondeur 468 mm

• Ouverture du portillon : lamelles transparentes

• Toit antidérapant ouvrable

• Niche surélevée pour une meilleure isolation

Ce produit est réservé aux animaux suivants : chats, chatons

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

Niche pour chat en bois

Niche pour chat :

• Livrée montée

• Matériaux : bois brut français

• Dimensions totales : 430 mm x Largeur 455 x Profondeur 468 mm

• Ouverture du portillon : lamelles transparentes

• Toit antidérapant ouvrable

• Niche surélevée pour une meilleure isolation

Ce produit est réservé aux animaux suivants : chats, chatons

This product can be delivered in the following countries:France

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