Skinny little Anna was found all alone on a roof...
50,510 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
7 days
left to succeed
Lizy is a 20-year-old cat who has suffered from cystitis. We placed her in a foster home and provided medical care. The acute phase of the infection appears to have passed…
As she's aged, Lizy has lost many of her teeth. Therefore, she can no longer eat dry food, as she cannot chew them!
To maintain her body warmth, particularly due to her advancing age, Lizy will need blankets. Wrapped up snugly, she could rest protected from humidity and any potential draughts.
The only financial aid we receive is from 30 million friends, for veterinarian costs. We're currently managing 54 cats at the refuge, many of them seniors, so we need costly, specialised food. But our resources are limited, and we're desperately short of canned food!
This product can be delivered in the following countries:France