Many thanks to... A very big thank you to all the participants in this collection campaign and to Animal Webaction for their daily help to associations in need.
Petit Cœur : Petit coeur est traité pour sa gingivo stomatite mais malheureusement cette maladie nécessite des soins réguliers. Il a bien pris ses marques au refuge malgré sa cécité et sa surdité. Nous espérons toujours trouver une personne bienveillante qui voudra s'occuper de son cas et lui apporter plus d'attention. Un refuge n'est pas la meilleure solution pour un chat dans cet état.
Minet : Minet has settled in with his nanny, who takes very good care of him. He feels safe now that he's off the streets. He eats very well.
Minette : Minette only enjoyed a few days with her foster family, but she appreciated being away from the danger of the street. She was much more relaxed and less stressed. RIP pretty doll.
Bulle : Bulle is doing better. She eats very well, she's always the first one to the plate. She has put on weight. She fits in well with the others. Watch out for recurrent coryza.
Kira : Kira is finally feeling better. She has been treated for ulcers on her tongue and is eating better as a result. She has put on weight again. Her coat has grown back after 3 months of treatment. She's beautiful and feels good in her paws.
Lia : Lia is doing better, she's put weight back on. She still has abscesses, but she's on antibiotics and the abscesses are less severe. It took several treatments to get rid of the fleas, worms and mange. She's eating very well !
Several campaigns have financed this delivery : Discover the campaigns
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Minette est partie dans de bonnes conditions et c'est le principal. Espérons que la santé des chats continue à s'améliorer et que Petit Coeur pourra être accueilli au sein d'un foyer. Merci aux bénévoles de l'association d'être aussi attentifs aux besoins de ces minous.
Mille mercis et bravos pour ce que vous faites. Dur quand ils partent, Minette a eu une fin de vie aimée soignée et choyée, ça change tout, merci pour elle et tous les autres
Contente pour cette collecte !! RIP Minette 😻 Plein de bonheur à vous et à vos protégés !! Grand merci !!😽💖🌸🌺
Un grand merci pour votre si belle action envers ses minous mal en point, Minette est partie en paix au paradis des chats. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage pour continuer à vous occuper de tout ce petit monde.