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1) Winter already killed several dogs... Without food, there will be others!
On January 14th, Poncho was found inanimate in his kennel: he did not survive the icy cold of Romania ...
Frozen died in a fight last month...
Living conditions are too hard at the shelter, Ecuador didn't make it, he passed away few days after being catched...
Maréchal's owner abandoned him recently, so he was welcomed to the shelter. Too weak, he didn't make it...
Puppies have less chances to survive the shelter compared to others : young and weak, Kaolin was killed by the cold last month...
The refuge, here photographed on February 24 2019, seems frozen by the cold and the snow for more than 4 months now ...
The shelter is covered by snow since November... Because of a lack of money, the volunteers couldn't build anything but opened boxes : the 350 dogs are facing gusts of iced wind, night and day, only protected by some straw.
To survive such hard conditions, dogs must eat more than usual to keep their body temperature high enough and avoid dying of cold...
Without food, they are in danger of death !
2) The stock is empty ! 350 dogs are in danger...
In December, Animal Webaction community offered 4 200 kg of dry food to the shelter. Today, the stock is completely empty...
There is no longer food at the shelter... To keep going on feeding the 350 dogs living in the shelter, the volunteers have to buy dry food everyday, fearing the day they won't be financially able to get that much food !
3) Without food, the weakest dogs may not survive...
Because of her cancer, Clover is extremely weak : she already faced 2 ablations as well as chemotherapy. Without food, her body may not hold up...
Because of her strong skin disease, Rebecca is weakened... Always hunched in a corner, she will need to eat properly to keep supporting her treatment !
Mylène has heart issues : it stopped beating when she was neutered ! Lucian, the veterinary, was able to save her, but the bad consequences following the surgery made her weaker... She needs to eat !
Pagode is becoming thinner and thinner day after day... He needs to gain strengh !
4) If the collection fails, the dogs will receive no food...
A failed collection on Animal Webaction
We are able to take action, we have already booked a truck and pallets, but we have to pay our transporter before March 2th.
If the collection fails, we will not be able to pay, the departure of the truck will be canceled and none of the collected food will be delivered...
If the collection fails, we will refund all donors.
5) Repatriations, medical care, rescues, maintenance of the boxes ... The association finances the management of the shelter alone: it needs our help!
There are no small donations: by all means, the association is trying to raise funds!
The donations are not enough, the volunteers are facing big debts at the veterinary clinic...
Each repatriation is expensive !
Neither the Government nor the foundations want to help : the city hall don't send the food every month as promised, and the shelter only works thanks to the small donations from supporters...
Despite the generosity of its community and donors, the association cannot face all the expenses !
6) The volunteers make miracles come true !
Abused by a human hand, Chance' intestines had been taken out of her body ... Fortunately, she crossed the path of Lucian! She is now happy in her new French family.
Smokey lived in a nomadic community. When he was found by a volunteer, he was locked in his kennel on fire ... Melted plastic will leave scars for life, but he is now saved and adopted!
Lucian had to remove Okia's left eye... She lives today in her new French family thanks to the hard work of the volunteers!
The skull split by an ax, Swan was unlikely to survive ... Today safe and sound, she left the shelter and is happy in France!
7) The shelter offers a chance for the dogs to be adopted !
Because of Benji's paralyzed hind legs, his owner wanted to euthanize him! Lucian tried to save him anyway: after a reeducation and the purchase of a cart, Benji walks again! He was even adopted in France on January 19, 2019.
All of his brothers and sisters died of sickness... But Fenril was adopted in France on February 16th!
Rescued from Piatra Neamt's Public Shelter, Pimouss was extremely skinny and in great danger ... The association saved him, looked after him and found him a family few weeks ago!
Anouk lived in Pascani's Public Shelter, before the association allowed its closure. After a long wait at the shelter ... She left to join her new French family in January 2019!
Attached to a chain for too long, Oita went from foster care to foster care ... At the beginning of the year, she was finally able to join her French adoptive family.
8) There would be no shelter without Lucian !
More than just a job, Lucian dedicate his life to the rescue of animals !
The land on which the shelter is located belongs to the family of Lucian: Remember me Land could never have existed without him! Veterinarian and manager of the shelter on site, his dedication to stray animals is total.
Where many veterinarians refused to operate the dogs seeing no improvement, Lucian never lost hope: the refuge has seen many miracles being born thanks to his incredible involvement.
9) What will the 4200 kg of dry food be used for ?
If the collection succeeds, the 4200kg collected will be given to the 350 dogs gathered in Remember me’s shelter.
10) 100% transparency guaranteed
- Animal Webaction has been helping more than 750 animal welfare associations over the past 4 years, with more than 1,700 deliveries in 8 countries (see photos).
- We make sure to contact each partner association, inquire to ensure its reliability and always ask for supporting documents.
- Our partner associations only receive physical products, which means we never send money. When you offer 10kg of food, we deliver 10kg of food to the association.
- We also deal with transportation ourselves, and make sure all the products collected are properly brought where the association needs them to be, so a quick delivery is guaranteed.
- We will notify you by email as soon as the product bought thanks to your donation has been delivered.
- We will ask the association to take pictures of the food received, and will send you these pictures.
- If you change your mind, we will refund your donation upon request, without charge or proof of any kind.
- If unfortunately the collection fails, we will not deliver anything, we will refund you the full amount of your donation.
A question about the campaign ? (1)
Can I adopt 1 dog
Association Remember Me
Yes of course we are always looking for adoptants ! You can contact us directly via mail at to discuss together about your future forever friend :)
Association Remember Me France
505D avenue de la Gare
84440 ROBION France