I'd like to thank all our donors and the Animal Webaction team for the 65 blankets we received, which will bring comfort to our little protégés.
Leika : Despite several attempts, Ms. Leika won't let herself be photographed with the blankets. But she lies on them at night so appreciates them. She is very stubborn what do you want 😅🤣But She thanks you. For information, having received messages thinking Lei
Abby : Abby on the right is delighted with her warm, comfortable blankets. She never takes them off. She thanks you for all your donations.
Baghera : Baghera on the left appreciates the comfort, softness and warmth of these blankets. She finds them very comforting and thanks you.
Annabelle : Annabelle loves her new blankets, so she can sleep and rest in comfort. Unfortunately, her condition is deteriorating and old age is taking its toll. We will accompany Annabelle as best we can.
Willy : Willy spends long hours sleeping comfortably in his basket and warm, soft plaids. He's delighted and thanks you
Several campaigns have financed this delivery : Discover the campaigns
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Nice blanckets. Merci 🩵💚🩵💚🩵💚🩵
Beautiful photographs of happy cats and dogs, comforted by their new blankets. Thank you for helping them have a better life. You are all heroes. Xx.
Contente que ces couvertures soient appréciées de vos protégés. Merci à l'association de prendre soin d'eux et d'accompagner au mieux Annabelle au quotidien.
j'ai omis le S à caresseSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Que du bonheur, merci et caresse à ces chats en même temps je caresse les miens adoptés.
Merci pour eux de si bien vous en occuper