Kiss Me keeps losing condition!
2,400 kg
Dry food offered
2,400 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 05 October 2019 and confirms the situation described below.
In Romania, Mirela has no more kibbles for her 132 dogs, they will starve to death!
Following Mirela's call for help, we went to the shelter on October 5th.
The shelter is overcrowded, the food is almost used up : Mirela provides bread to help the dogs to overcome hunger.
Without kibble, Mirela can no longer rescue street dogs, yet she is their only hope!
Mirela finances 90% of the shelter's expenses alone: she can't do more.
The few people who support her from abroad are overwhelmed.
We would like to send 2400 kg of kibble as a matter of urgency.
In a few days, there will be no kibble left at Mirela's shelter, who is trying to make the remaining bags last by distributing dry bread to calm the dogs' hunger.
Last August, the Animal Webaction community mobilized to send her 2400 kg of kibble, but this stock is now used up, while the shelter has never been so full!
Subjected to hunger, disease and abuse, street dogs lead a life of suffering, the most vulnerable ones have no chance of survival on their own. Despite her low income, Mirela tries to save them by sheltering them in her home at all costs.
But without kibble to feed them, it is impossible for her to continue. Winter is fast approaching, however, and Mirela knows that this season is the most cruel for them...
"All her savings and most of her husband's earnings are dedicated to the dogs care," said our agent David after his visit to the shelter.
Today, Mirela and her husband finance 90% of the necessary expenses, between care, shelter maintenance, bills and veterinary expenses.... They can barely get by, Mirela doesn't know how to buy kibble.
We can take action, we have alread booked a truck and pallets, but we have to pay it before October 25th.
If the collection fails, we will not be able to pay, the departure of the truck will be cancelled and none of the collected kibbles will be delivered...
If the collection fails, we will refund all donors.
The makeshift shelter that Mirela set up in her own house lacks space and infrastructure. Overcrowded, it is particularly unsuitable in winter, as it does not keep dogs warm and safe.
During the cold weather, Mirela takes in as many dogs as possible inside her house, but the number of dogs is now too high!
For months, the construction of a shelter has been underway, but Mirela has not been able to complete it due to lack of resources...
Today, Mirela benefits from the precious support of a few individuals, as well as an organization in Germany, which helps her in particular to finance the kibbles for the 17 puppies she takes care of.
But their number, and especially their resources, are not enough to meet the needs of the 132 dogs housed at Mirela, she cannot get by without our help.
After several years in Italy, Mirela repatriated all her savings to help street dogs in Romania. Today unemployed, her finances no longer follow the frenetic pace of incessant rescues. However, she can't resign herself to leaving the dogs to certain death.
Supported on a daily basis by her husband and sister, she maintains a high spirit, but their good will alone is not enough to allow them to get by.
If the collection succeeds, the food will leave directly from our logistics centre in Romania! So we can act very quickly, let's help Mirela and her 132 dogs to get kibble!
This collection is organized by the association Europe 4 Strays. The 2400 kg of kibbles collected will be delivered to Mirela to feed the 132 dogs in the shelter.
- Animal Webaction has been helping more than 833 animal welfare associations over the past 5 years, with more than 1,967 deliveries in 8 countries (see photos).
- We make sure to contact each partner association, inquire to ensure its reliability and always ask for supporting documents.
- Our partner associations only receive physical products, which means we never send money. When you offer 10kg of food, we deliver 10kg of food to the association.
- We also deal with transportation ourselves, and make sure all the products collected are properly brought where the association needs them to be, so a quick delivery is guaranteed.
- We will notify you by email as soon as the product bought thanks to your donation has been delivered.
- We will ask the association to take pictures of the food received, and will send you these pictures.
- The payment of donations is 100% secured by Paypal (no obligation to have a Paypal account), and by credit card.
- If you change your mind, we will refund your donation upon request, without charge or proof of any kind.
- If unfortunately the collection fails, we will not deliver anything, we will refund you the full amount of your donation.