Ringworm, cat flu: little Nenette is greatly weakened by health problems...
2,400 kg
Dry food offered
2,400 kg
Dry food necessary
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Animal Webaction visited the site 09 November 2019 and confirms the situation described below.
In Macedonia, dogs living at the dump are out of kibbles, they will starve to death!
Alerted by Marija, we went to the site on November 9.
The dogs abandoned at the landfill are hungry, the stock of kibble is already used up.
Sick and forced to live in terrible conditions, they cannot survive without kibbles.
Ivana and Marija are doing everything they can, but their SOS are not working.
Already overwhelmed by veterinary fees, they cannot keep on buying kibbles.
They beg us to intervene.
We would like to send 2400 kg of kibble as a matter of urgency.
Away from the city center and from prying eyes, the dump is a very well known place for abandonment: unwanted litters, ageing, sick or newly unwanted dogs are regularly thrown into it like common garbage.
"If you can imagine all the pain in the world gathered on only one place…than you must be speaking for the DUMP! They are all sick, they are all hungry. When you step in to the dump…your stomach twists, since you know that there you can see death following you in every step!" Marija tries to explain.
Because there are so many of them, it is impossible for Ivana and Marija to take them all in their small shelter, the greatest number must be cared for and fed on the spot, but they no longer have any kibbles to bring them!
On November 9th, our agent Simona visited the volunteers, and accompanied them to both sites of the landfill, as well as to the shelter. At that time, only 40 kg of kibble remained, a very small amount to feed all the dogs they care for.
"This weekend they were starving they would eat practically anything. They are really hungry" Marija told us on November 13. After several days without kibble, the volunteers managed to buy a few bags, but those will also be finished in a few days.
A catastrophic situation, confirmed by Simona: "They live in horrible conditions, they don’t have place were to sleep, stay or food to eat. If Ivana and Marija don’t go out to feed them they will probably starve to death."
Ivana and Marija are desperately trying to get more support, both locally and through social networks. But their calls for help don't have a significant impact, and do not allow them to move forward...
From England, a loyal support is trying to bring more people together, and fundraising in various forms, but the scale is small and debts are accumulating.
"We urgently need your help ... every "little" for them is VERY big, every donation means a day more security, a full stomach, or a healthy dog. In the absence of hearing in the state, the burden is on activists and animal lovers ..." Ivana explains.
We can take action, we have already booked a truck and pallets, but we have to pay it before November 22nd.
If the collection fails, we will not be able to pay, the departure of the truck will be cancelled and none of the collected kibbles will be delivered...
If the collection fails, we will refund all donors.
In the distress they live in, few dogs only do not require veterinary treatment or surgery upon their rescue, not to mention spaying and neutering, which are essential in order not to make things worse on the spot...
Each treatment represents a significant cost for volunteers, who cannot do without veterinary care. "The cane corso needs an urgent surgery that wil cost us at least 300e(only the surgery it self) And, I feel if I continue speaking I will start crying out of helplessness... We feel desperate, but because we are afraid how on earth we will manage to keep them all safe???" Marija said a few days ago.
Nowadays, the shelter hosts about fifty dogs, most of them rescued from the dump or the street. While their living conditions at the shelter are much better than outside, they all have already experienced traumas that have left them weakened.
In winter, Ivana struggles to bring them water, clean the pens, and keep the dogs warm, they need more kibbles to face this season, but are also impacted by the food shortage !
Requests to the town hall, search for sponsors from foreign associations and private companies, calls for help on the social media and to their relatives... Volunteers tried multiple approaches to get help.
Some of them have undeniably worked, volunteers receive valuable assistance for the adoption of dogs, as well as financial or in-kind donations. But these are totally random, and largely insufficient to meet the needs on the ground.
"An association ... no matter what, is made up of a few people, most often 2-3 people who give soul and heart, almost all their salaries, free time, and all the love they have ... and they never ask for anything in return . Why? It's simple .... because all they need is a beautiful story with a happy ending to immediately be reminded why they are doing all this."
"Giving it our best, pushing boundaries and the never ending struggle for every single life, brings many traumas .... every loss of life causes us immense pain, and steals a piece of our hearts ....
We try to help everywhere, we do not pass on responsibility to others, and so we have ALWAYS animals."
With an estimated population of 1 million street dogs, Macedonia regularly carries out mass extermination campaigns aimed at "cleaning the streets", at least temporarily. The last nationwide campaign in 2017 was particularly violent and led to numerous protests, including international ones. The most common method remains poisoning, which leads to slow agony (sometimes several days) for the affected dogs.
Beyond national measures, the treatment of dogs on a smaller scale also remains very harsh. Many municipalities practice poisoning on their own initiative, and the inhabitants themselves are often hostile to street dogs. Carried out with impunity, acts of cruelty perpetrated by individuals are numerous (acts of torture, strangulation, wild abandonment, etc.) and unpunished.
This collection is organized by the Civic Initiative Kane Korzo Nadez Skopje Association. The 2400 kilos of kibble collected will be delivered to Ivana to feed the 50 dogs hosted in its shelter as well as the dogs from the landfill.
- Animal Webaction has been helping more than 833 animal welfare associations over the past 5 years, with more than 1,967 deliveries in 8 countries (see photos).
- We make sure to contact each partner association, inquire to ensure its reliability and always ask for supporting documents.
- Our partner associations only receive physical products, which means we never send money. When you offer 10kg of food, we deliver 10kg of food to the association.
- We also deal with transportation ourselves, and make sure all the products collected are properly brought where the association needs them to be, so a quick delivery is guaranteed.
- We will notify you by email as soon as the product bought thanks to your donation has been delivered.
- We will ask the association to take pictures of the food received, and will send you these pictures.
- The payment of donations is 100% secured by Paypal (no obligation to have a Paypal account), and by credit card.
- If you change your mind, we will refund your donation upon request, without charge or proof of any kind.
- If unfortunately the collection fails, we will not deliver anything, we will refund you the full amount of your donation.