Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 13/12/2019, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

A truckload of kibbles to save the dogs from the homeless in France!

In France, dozens of dogs will have to spend winter on the streets, we cannot let them starve !
photo association
A truckload of kibbles to save the dogs from the homeless in France!
In France, dozens of dogs will have to spend winter on the streets, we cannot let them starve !

2,160 kg
Dry food offered

2,160 kg
Dry food necessary

In France, dozens of dogs will have to spend winter on the streets, we cannot let them starve ! 

Frédéric, President of the association, begs us to intervene urgently.

On the streets of Bordeaux, dozens of homeless people and their dogs are about to spend the winter outside.

Temperatures have already started to drop: in the grip of cold day and night, these dogs need kibbles.

The association's food stock is shrinking, and will even be finished before the start of winter....

We would like to send them 2160 kg of kibble as a matter of urgency.

100% transparency guaranteed.


1. Alongside their homeless owners, dozens of dogs are preparing to spend the winter outside, the volunteers will soon no longer have any kibbles to feed them

Very attached to their animals, homeless people do their best to take care of them, even if it means sacrificing their own needs. But life outside is particularly difficult in winter, dogs need to eat more: the purchase of kibbles is a financial abyss that they cannot constantly face


Since they cannot offer their loyal animals a life indoors, sheltered from the cold and humidity, some do not hesitate to sacrifice their own clothes to protect their dog, but they cannot provide them with proper food when they themselves do not have access to it


If a social action is set up for the homeless people themselves, there is nothing in place to help them keep their animals with them. This is what the Croquette et Macadam association does, especially by helping them to feed them


Twice a week, volunteers distribute kibble to homeless people to ensure that dogs will be able to eat every day, but their activities are now compromised: the kibble stock will soon be completly used up....


On the streets day and night, these people and their dogs need all the support they can get to get by, the association's rounds make a huge difference for them


There are currently almost 40 homeless dogs throughout the city who rely on kibbles brought by volunteers to eat




2. Winter is almost there, temperatures have already started to drop, dogs absolutely need kibbles to face the cold

In recent weeks, several rounds have been carried out in the rain, from which dogs and their homeless owners are struggling to hide


Whenever they get wet, dogs have greater difficulties drying themselves out on the street, which makes them even more sensitive to low temperatures...


At the time of writing, it is already only 5° C in Bordeaux. And temperatures are likely to drop even further in the coming weeks, dogs need kibbles to fight the cold


Completely destitute, homeless people are already struggling to protect themselves from the cold.... Volunteers also try to distribute blankets, but without kibble these are not enough


"Winter is here so we keep on fighting, because the animal friends we help and their owners can't get warm and dry" said Frederic when last winter came, aware that the winter time is the most difficult one for dogs and their homeless owners.

On the streets day and night, dogs live on the ground, barely isolated from the cold by a few cardboards or blankets, they absolutely need kibbles to keep warm ! 



3. There are less than 200 kg of kibbles left, everything will be gone by the start of winter

"We still have enough for two weeks, no more" said Frederic on December 2nd


While the needs of street dogs are at their peak, volunteers are faced with a kibble stock that is running out a little more each week, and don't manage to refill it.... 

"That's why we contacted you, we really need it," said Frédéric, worried about having to cancel future rounds for lack of kibbles, as winter is about to begin.



4. If we don't reach the target, dogs won't receive anything

A failed collection on Animal Webaction


We can take action, we have already booked a truck and pallets, but we have to pay it before December 6th.

If the collection fails, we will not be able to pay, the departure of the truck will be cancelled and none of the collected kibbles will be delivered...

If the collection fails, we will refund all donors.



5. When it comes to homeless dogs, Croquette et Macadam is the only association to help on a regular basis in the city, it is their only hope

In addition to helping homeless dogs and their owners, the association also provides kibble to the only homeless shelter that allows dogs in


Croquette et Macadam is currently the only association entirely dedicated to the animals of homeless people in the city, who rely heavily on their visits.

Food, blankets, but also medical care when the budget allows it, the association supports homeless people and their animals to the maximum of its capacities, but relies entirely on the donations it receives to maintain its actions ! 



6. All year long, no matter the weather, volunteers walk around the city to help homeless dogs. Kibbles are already lacking to help the greatest number 

The last round to date at the time of writing was on December 1. Whatever the weather, two rounds are carried out every week, every Wednesday and Sunday


Unfailing, calls to take part in the rounds are sent every week on the association's page, so as to never miss a round, and to be able to help as much as possible



To facilitate the daily life of the homeless people, but also to avoid any waste, the volunteers prepare special bags with the necessary quantity for 1 week for each dog taken care of


Frédéric, President of the association, knows that the forty or so dogs currently fed represent only a part of the animals in need. "By barely expanding our perimeter, we could easily feed 10 more," he explained, but the kibbles are missing...


With two rounds organized per week, the association currently feeds about forty homeless dogs across the city. A number that could already be more significant: "By barely expanding our perimeter, we could easily feed 10 more" explained Frederic.

He also knows that winter generally marks the return of many homeless people to the streets, and expects the need to be greater in the coming weeks, he only hopes that the collection will allow him to meet it...



7. With no subsidy, and faced with insufficient donations, the association can no longer cope, and begs us to intervene

The association regularly organizes food collections at a local pet store, which agrees to host it. But the scale of the donations obtained remains small, and above all very uncertain....


Products bearing the association's logo have also been created to ensure some additional revenues, but sales remain extremely low


Founded in 2018, the association has always operated on the basis of donation, which is essential to its survival. Since the town hall does not completly approves of the actions carried out by the association, it refuses to provide any subsidies. Frédéric and the other volunteers therefore have to manage on their own to keep their actions alive.

Although physical collections are regularly organised thanks to the collaboration of a local animal shop, they only bring in small quantities of kibbles, which is very hazardous.... Frédéric knows that this will not allow him to meet the dogs's needs this winter.



8. Frederic himself used to live on the streets with his dog, and is determined to help those who remain homeless

Frederic himself used to live on the street after a difficult break-up. His dog helped him through this difficult time, and also gave him the strentgh to get over it: he is now trying to do the same for all the animals still on the street


It is because Frederic himself used to live on the street with his dog, and that both of them were subjected to the difficulties of a life outside in precariousness, that he decided to create the association Croquette et Macadam.

100% invested in the association's organisation, he himself takes part in the rounds, and constantly seeks ways to develop his actions, not hesitating to sacrifice his time and his own money for the benefit of homeless animals.

Today, he is asking us for our help to continue! 



9. What will the 2160 kilos of kibble collected be used for?

This collection is organized by the Croquette et Macadam association. The 2160 kg of kibbles collected will be delivered to Frédéric to feed the dogs of homeless people cared for by the association



10. 100% transparency guaranteed

- Animal Webaction has been helping more than 833 animal welfare associations over the past 5 years, with more than 1,967 deliveries in 8 countries (see photos).

- We make sure to contact each partner association, inquire to ensure its reliability and always ask for supporting documents.

​- Our partner associations only receive physical products, which means we never send money. When you offer 10kg of food, we deliver 10kg of food to the association.

- We also deal with transportation ourselves, and make sure all the products collected are properly brought where the association needs them to be, so a quick delivery is guaranteed.

- We will notify you by email as soon as the product bought thanks to your donation has been delivered.

- We will ask the association to take pictures of the food received, and will send you these pictures.

- The payment of donations is 100% secured by Paypal (no obligation to have a Paypal account), and by credit card.

- If you change your mind, we will refund your donation upon request, without charge or proof of any kind.

- If unfortunately the collection fails, we will not deliver anything, we will refund you the full amount of your donation.

Association Croquette et Macadam
6 rue david johnson
33000 Bordeaux
FR France

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