Loss of appetite, lethargy, fatigue: Sweety has kidney failure!
2,400 kg
Dry food offered
2,400 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 08 December 2019 and confirms the situation described below.
In Romania, this shelter will soon have nothing left to feed its dogs, they will kill each other!
Following Maria's SOS, we went to the site on December 8th.
By the end of the week, there will be no kibble left.
Overcrowded, the shelter is already seeing fights break out, a situation that will escalate without food: the weakest will not survive.
The shelter has prevented dozens of dogs from being euthanized, we now have to fight for them.
We want to help them, by sending 2400 kg of kibble as an emergency.
Urgently set up at the end of 2018 to prevent euthanasia for dogs held captive at the municipal pound, the shelter has rescued dozens of dogs over the past year. But last July, the situation changed with the announcement of the sudden closure of the pound.
Sentenced to be euthanized if they were not rescued, the forty dogs then captive of the pound had to be rescued in extreme urgency.... Maria and the volunteers of the Lupy association worked very hard, with other associations to assist them, to get them all out on time.
A huge burden for Maria, with a shelter that now accommodates twice as many residents as originally planned, and a myriad of problems: lack of space, resources, and an impending food shortage....
Initially built to accommodate about twenty dogs, the shelter now has twice as many. A situation far from ideal, but the only existing solution to avoid euthanasia for these dozens of dogs!
Maintained in great promiscuity, the dogs become agitated: the most submissive ones for now manage to retreat, but if the food were to be lacking, it would be impossible to prevent fights from taking place.
"There are too many dogs per enclosure and some cannot be let out or will not come out anymore, because they are too traumatized" From Friday onwards, there will be no more food left. If the food appeal does not succeed the dogs will become more and more aggressive, they will attack each other and fight" Maria explained to us during our visit, worried about the coming months.
"Every other requirement and administrative task is taken care of in time and with plenty patience and some frustration, as long as there is food for the dogs to survive. The biggest need is the food" Maria explained, asking that this point be emphasized.
She who fought so hard for the survival of these dogs, she cannot accept to resign herself and watch them starve to death...
Alerted both by Maria and by one of her faithful supporters in France, we had a long exchange with them.
The situation today seems inextricable: the collections and appeals for donations do not work, the few current supporters of the shelter have already been mobilized and have done their best.
Overwhelmed by the number of dogs who rely on her and the amount of problems to manage, Maria does her best to ensure that the dogs can be adopted, but she can't find anymore kibbles, she begs us to support her.
We can take action, we have already booked a truck and pallets, but we have to pay it before December 12th.
If the collection fails, we will not be able to pay, the departure of the truck will be cancelled and none of the collected kibbles will be delivered...
If the collection fails, we will refund all donors.
Last spring, Georgina had only about thirty dogs in her shelter, set up in an old farm. Like the association's main shelter, Georgina is facing a massive increase in the number of dogs in her care: she now has 53 dogs hosted.
All the dogs housed in her shelter will also have to face the food shortage in just a few days if no solution is found.
"One can see clearly she is suffering for the dogs, is very distressed about not having food for them, and is constantly thinking of the dogs she left in some abandoned place somewhere." our agent Alex told us after his meeting with Georgina.
At the time of writing, the temperature is only 0°C on the spot, and the worst is yet to come... Dogs need kibbles to be able to withstand the cold.
Maria's involvement in animal welfare started many years ago, and she has been president of the Lupy association for almost 10 years now.
"In recent years, there has been a real burst of abandonment. Many animals sick, or in a critical situation due to accidents. Saving them has become a priority for me. I finally accepted the fact that some people don't like animals. But I have never understood how anyone could abandon a living being, entirely dependent, or that we could be violent towards the animals that belong to us or cross our path. "
Juggling between her career, personal life and volunteer work for years, she recently retired. To better invest herself in her volunteering, and return to another job almost immediately: an absolute necessity to meet the needs of the animals.
She admits that the suffering and sacrifices involved are huge, but has no doubt that they are worth it: "I suffer with them, but the joy they bring me largely makes up for this suffering, all our efforts and the sacrifices that must be made".
If the collection succeeds, the food will leave directly from our logistics centre in Romania! So we can act very quickly, let's help Maria, Georgina and their 92 dogs to receive kibbles!
This collection is organized by the LUPY association, chaired by Maria. The 2400 kg of kibbles collected will be delivered to Maria to feed the 39 dogs hosted at her shelter, as well as the 53 dogs from Georgina's shelter.
- Animal Webaction has been helping more than 833 animal welfare associations over the past 5 years, with more than 1,967 deliveries in 8 countries (see photos).
- We make sure to contact each partner association, inquire to ensure its reliability and always ask for supporting documents.
- Our partner associations only receive physical products, which means we never send money. When you offer 10kg of food, we deliver 10kg of food to the association.
- We also deal with transportation ourselves, and make sure all the products collected are properly brought where the association needs them to be, so a quick delivery is guaranteed.
- We will notify you by email as soon as the product bought thanks to your donation has been delivered.
- We will ask the association to take pictures of the food received, and will send you these pictures.
- The payment of donations is 100% secured by Paypal (no obligation to have a Paypal account), and by credit card.
- If you change your mind, we will refund your donation upon request, without charge or proof of any kind.
- If unfortunately the collection fails, we will not deliver anything, we will refund you the full amount of your donation.