Tonia is going to have to undergo surgery for a large tumour in her ear!
1,950 kg
Dry food offered
1,950 kg
Dry food necessary
"Our aim is to help the pets of people who are homeless. We roam the streets of Bordeaux every Wednesday and Sunday throughout the year to distribute food, care, blankets, etc... for the dogs who need them. We also go to a squat and a reception centre where we provide the kibbles.
Every week we distribute 80 kg of kibbles to feed about 90 dogs. At the moment we have enough kibble left for 3 weeks, after which it is certain that without this campaign we will no longer be able to provide for these animals. The kibble has held up so far thanks to the in-store collections, but with the Covid, we can no longer hold them.
This is why I am asking for your help, it is really our action that makes it possible for these people to feed their dogs, they have no other mean to get food than us. They know it and they are waiting for us. That's why I want our actions to continue, I feel heartbroken if this campaign doesn't succeed, because we'll be forced to tell them that we can't do it anymore, that the association is on stand-by".
"There is a terrible lack of emergency accommodation for homeless people who are on the street with their dogs. Up until last September, we had between 30 and 40 dogs a month on the streets alone, now we have over 70 that we see every day.
Yes, help is provided to homeless people, but this help does not take into account their animals. This is a huge problem. And so there are a lot of people who give what they receive to eat to their animals instead of eating themselves. This is not the goal, and it is not enough, neither for these people, nor for their four-legged companions".
"Kelmis is an 11 year old female, who has been with her owner since she was 1 year old. We follow her regularly to bring her kibbles, but also blankets and deworming treatments.
The animals that we help can't keep warm with their owner in winter, they stay in the street in all weathers, it's particularly difficult for old dogs like Kelmis, she really needs us to keep on bringing her kibbles".
"We can no longer hold collections in shops, it's at a standstill, and it's hard to know when we'll be able to start again. But the needs are still there, we have kept on roaming the streets and helping homeless people all year long, despite the risks, we continue and we will continue to do so.
Occasionally, we get donations from people, but usually it takes the form of small bags of 5kg of food or so, it's not enough, it doesn't allow us to keep going. And we don't have any regular subsidy, we obtained a one-off help of 1500€ from the municipality last year, but that's about it.
We also handle the veterinary care so that the street animals remain in good health, from vaccinations to injuries or illnesses, including sterilisation. And we also take care of finding foster families. With all the needs and our limited resources, we can't buy kibbles."
"I founded the association in 2018 because I myself spent several years on the streets, during which I could always count on the presence and affection of my two dogs, Mango and Nell. The complexity of feeding and caring for them was constant. When I found a job and accommodation, it was unthinkable for me not to support people in this situation and their pets.
Sometimes you wonder if there will be an end, if one day there will be no one left outside. Sometimes I feel like we'll never make it. We are all in that case, the important thing is to stick together whenever we feel discouraged. We're a good team of volunteers, we keep up, we won't give up.
I am a fervent lover of the animal cause, I make myself available very often for the people we help, I can't let the dogs starve."
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform in France, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibbles.
"Given the current health situation, the balance is negative for donations, we have had more memberships in 2020, but far fewer people are donating. One membership is 10€, we had less than 40 last year, and we hope to go over 45 this year.
We make online fundraisings, but they essentially cover part of the veterinary costs, or accessories such as deworming care, collars, etc...
We tried to contact the foundations, but they didn't want to help with the kibbles, we had a perhaps as far as sterilisations are concerned, but in the end it didn't happen. We also approached certain suppliers, but without success. It's a good thing you're here."
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the collected products, the beneficiary does not receive anything and the buyers are
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Frédéric, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help the dogs supported by Frédéric, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you would like to participate in the help organised by the association, or if you would like to send kibbles or a cheque directly, please contact Frédéric via the association's Facebook page (note: you are entirely responsible for any direct aid).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years |