No longer fast enough for racing, Hope was at risk of the slaughterhouse!
3,000 kg
Dry food offered
3,000 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 10 January 2021 and confirms the situation described below.
"My shelter is not doing extremely well, food is low, we're facing many problems and I do not see things improving anytime soon. I can't have any leftovers for the dogs anymore from the restaurants which are on lockdown, fundings are still low, and I only have food left for about 7 days.
I am in desperate need of food for these animals, this is my major concern. No food, no chance of surviving, especially in the winter. If I don’t get food fast, it will be bad, since I have so many dogs at the shelter, they will start eating each other.
Desperate, this is how I feel. I fear the shelter will completly run out of food, I panic just by thinking about it. It is a terrible thing, I am doing as much as I can to get help for them."
"Along with the food problem, there is the extreme cold that they are announcing from next weekend on. -8°C, maybe even lower. It is cold enough already, we have no blankets, not so many cages, I put some hay to protect them and prevent them from sitting in the mud, but I am afraid it will not be enough.
Dogs need to eat a lot more in the winter as it is, they can't resist the cold without enough food. I am really afraid for them, especially those who are in a bad shape, several are also suffering from medical issues,
I also care for a lot of dogs outside the shelter, as there are lots of dogs on the streets, and people still abandon their dogs. Without food, strays will get aggressive and they will eventually be put down by the municipality."
"We found Sandra on a field, near a sheepfold. She was being kept to have puppies, and then left to die. She is about 12 years old, has several tumors around her anus and breasts.
She is under treatment right now, although I do not know exactly how it will work out. What's for sure is that after years of neglect and in this condition, she needs good food to be able to recover."
"Donations are low, people care more for their families, and can't or won't care about dogs. I get a few bags of food sometimes from people coming to adopt, but not much other than that. And adoptions have been bad as well, only 20 dogs left for adoption over the last two months.
I already have debts, especially at the vet, for vaccinations and neutering which are also important and still have to be conducted, so I don't have many options.
I am depressed as it is and I don’t sleep at night ; I wake up having panic attacks because of the situation."
"I started this association in 2009 with a few dogs placed at people I knew and at friends who had some space in their yard for 1-2-3 dogs. When the number of dogs kept growing and growing, and people could not host them anymore, I had to do something so I started building this shelter.
I started almost 4 years ago wanting to only host puppies at first, knowing there is a public shelter as well but that one got full quickly so I had to take adult dogs as well, just could not leave them on the streets. I begged for food from restaurants, businesses around the city, but these options have been taken from us with the pandemic."
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform in Romania which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibbles.
"The only other organization I get help from is the one that helps with adoptions. They do what they can which is already great, but cannot help more as far as food is concerned. Other than that, I have no help.
I obviously don’t feel good about what is going on, but I keep doing my best to help these animals as much as I can. Without our help, the help of people who love animals, these dogs would be put down by the City Hall, who does not care about them."
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Luminita, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help Luminita's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you want to come to Luminita's shelter to help her or if you want to send her directly some kibbles or a check, contact her on Facebook (note: direct help is under your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 7 years |