Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 29/03/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Blankets for Pongo

At 6 months old, Pongo has just undergone major surgery following an accident!
photo association
Blankets for Pongo
At 6 months old, Pongo has just undergone major surgery following an accident!

265,200 cm2
blankets offered

265,200 cm2
blankets necessary

At 6 months old, Pongo has just undergone major surgery following an accident!

1. He was injured in an accident!

Pongo is a young cat, 6 months old, who fractured his pelvis after colliding with a car. Unfortunately, the bone in his pelvis perforated his colon!

The vet operated him in emergency. Pongo is now recovering...

2. Blankets would keep him warm

Until he gets back on his feet, Pongo's gonna need a lot of rest. Blankets would keep him nice and warm during that time.

3. We're at the end of our rope!

We managed to make a collection in October, but we are now at the end of our stocks.

In addition to the many veterinary fees to pay these last few months, we have to take care of additional feeding sites... But we can't afford it anymore!

Association Les Chats Libres de la Canterrane
HLM La Canterrane, Bat C, N° 94
66300 THUIR
FR France
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