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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 29/03/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Kirikou

Kirikou's leg and jaw were broken in an accident!
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Blankets for Kirikou
Kirikou's leg and jaw were broken in an accident!

265,200 cm2
blankets offered

265,200 cm2
blankets necessary

Kirikou's leg and jaw were broken in an accident!

1. He was injured in an accident!

Kirikou is a young cat of about 3 years old, whom we found limping by the roadside. The poor thing had probably just been hit by a car, as his leg and jaw were broken ...

2. He had to be operated...

The veterinarian operated on Kirikou's injured leg, putting a pin in it. Unfortunately, there's nothing to be done for the jaw. Chewing food is now impossible for Kirikou!

3. As he couldn't stand being locked up, he lives outside again.

During his convalescence, Kirikou was with us, indoors. But he wasn't used to being in a house and couldn't stand being locked up. So we released him to a secure site.

4. Blankets would keep him warm

With blankets, Kirikou would be nice and warm for the coming months. He wouldn't have to sleep on the frozen ground anymore!

5. We're at the end of our supplies!

We had managed to collect some blankets in October, but now we've reached the end of our stocks.

On top of the numerous veterinary fees to pay these last months, we have to take care of additional feeding sites... But we can't afford it anymore!

Association Les Chats Libres de la Canterrane
HLM La Canterrane, Bat C, N° 94
66300 THUIR
FR France
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