Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 27/03/2021, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Malo

Because of a virus, poor Malo has lost his sight in one eye!
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Canned food for Malo
Because of a virus, poor Malo has lost his sight in one eye!

208 cans

208 cans

Because of a virus, poor Malo has lost his sight in one eye!

1. A chronic disease made him lose the use of his eye...

Malo suffers from chronic coryza, which has mutated into herpes: his nose is blocked and one of his eyes was so infected that he lost the sight on one side... As he has no sense of smell, he is losing his appetite and is getting weaker by the minute!

2. Canned food would awaken his appetite and give him back his strength

Particularly fragrant and appetizing, some canned food would surely help Malo regain his appetite. He could then regain his strength, despite his illness!

3. More and more cats are getting sick!

The weather is very cold and many of the cats we feed are sick. Aids, coryza and leukemia have spread so much that we don't spend a day without going to the vet.

Cats are particularly difficult to treat, and their care is very expensive! It's hard to get enough money to feed them in these conditions...

Association Le Jardin des Chats
43370 Saint-Christophe-sur-Dolaison
FR France

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