Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 16/04/2021, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Tigrou

Tigrou is in a pitiful state...
photo association
Canned food for Tigrou
Tigrou is in a pitiful state...

168 cans

168 cans

Tigrou is in a pitiful state...

1. He was born outside...

Tigrou is a three-month-old kitten, who was born in the street after his mother had been abandoned by her owners. Tigrou was born in the middle of winter, outside...

2. He's in a terrible state!

Tigrou's eyes are watery, his coat is dirty and he is covered in wounds on his muzzle and ears (probably from fights between cats).

3. With canned food, he could finish his growth normally

Canned food would provide Tigrou with enough protein to continue his growth more serenely, despite his difficult living conditions.

4. With so many cat being abandoned, we're not able to cope!

With the pandemic, abandonment cases have been increasing considerably... As the abandoned cats are often unsterilized, births multiply, and we are overwhelmed!

Association Les Ptits Chmoulis
27 rue de la Sablière
70190 BOULOT
FR France
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